Wellness & Health

Practicing Wing Chun is often associated with health benefits. The external aspects increase strength, flexibility, and energy levels. Training itself creates mental calm and clarity, letting you be more decisive in everyday life.

When you're practicing Wing Chun you don't have time to think so you must rely on your sensitivity alone. In this situation the mind becomes quiet and relaxed, allowing mind and body to balance and work together. A good practitioner will have a calm mind and healthy body as the training specifically develops these attributes.


The basic stance of the Wing Chun system, Ji Zi Kim Joeng Ma 二字拑羊馬, takes the natural alignment of the body into account. Prolonged practice of the basic stance and movements of the Siu Lim Tao form will strengthen core muscles and leg muscles, as well as muscles that stabilize the spinal column. Having your spine in a natural position, with each vertebrae sitting on top of another, removes stress on the discs cushioning the individual bones.

The spinal column contains a large part of the bodies nervous system and plays an important role in your health. Poor posture creates stress on the discs between the vertebrae and on the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons and in some cases on the spinal nerves themselves. Posture problems can lead to: headaches, fatigue, neck pain, back pain, numbness, loss of mobility, trouble sleeping, mental fog, anxiety, depression, etc. Practice will improve your posture in everyday life, preventing and alleviating problems caused by stressing and bending the spine for extended periods.


While practicing Wing Chun students will eventually practice a paired exercise called Chi Sau. This exercise uses both hands independently at the same time. This in turn will exercise both sides of the brain simultaneously, additionally strengthening the corpus callosum (the nerves that connect the two hemispheres of the brain).

The endless creativity and combinations that can be found in the system and details in the forms will keep the brain engaged and the practitioner mentally young and in a continuous state of learning. This has been found to keep the mind sharp and agile well into old age.


Stress is one of the leading causes of illness since it compromises the immune system. It's toxic to the human body to constantly be in a state of stress or in fight or flight.

The calmness of mind that comes from practice directly translates into everyday life. When dealing with life situations in a calm manner we limit the stress that we expose ourselves to. Practicing Wing Chun will improve your overall mood and demeanor in addition to keeping your body healthy.

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